Hajmarid Syrup
MRP: ₹165
Hajmarid rids the patient from IBS Irritable bowel syndrome & indigestion, helps in constipation. Age old herbs like Haritaki, Amalaki, Behra, Pottal patta and neem chhaal are used in combination of other important herbs, together they become an potent formula for the treatment of Irritable bowl syndrome.
Haritaki is renowned for improving digestion. It has mild laxative effect which helps in regulating bowel movement. Amalaki is one of the component of Triphala and is known to relieve abdominal pain, bloating and constipation. Behra helps in managing constipation due to its Rechana nature. Neem Chhall in Hajmarid act as anti inflammatory agent and is effective in the treatment of IBS Irritable bowel syndrome and GI symptoms.
Gulancha Tirospona Condijiolin St 250 mg
Haritaki Leninalia Ohebula Fr 125 mg
Amalaki Embics Ofieuals Ft 125 mg
Bahera Ounanalia Belenica Ft 125 mg
Pottal Patta Tichosantihes diolcc Li 125 mg
Neem Chal Acadinachats dndilcc LI 125 mg
Ginger Zingbor Ofjtinalo Rz 250 mg
Ajwain Hacnyspeunun amumni H 250 mg
Jira Cunauan cyarnauam H 250 mg
Amlo Batos Ruame sascarius H 250 mg
Jastimadhu Glyeye iza glabra St 125 mg
Dhonia Couand adivun F 125 mg
other Active ingrlaban Bit 250 mg
Saindhab Laban 250 mg
Jabokhar Sacehikhar 5 mg
Base purified Water 40 mg
Preservative: Sodium Benzoate 4 mg
Additives: 10 mg